Cloth bags
Welcome to the exclusive 3DRUM Cloth Bags section. Here you will discover not only a Cloth Bag or Cotton Bag, but a wide range of bags, from the classic Natural Cotton Bag to the daring Black Cloth Bag. These are not your typical promotional bags; They are unique pieces, a reflection of our commitment to design, sustainability and diversity.

Opt for our ecological bags instead of the usual plastic bags. Our personalized cloth bags are made with organic cotton, providing high quality and resistance. We have a varied palette, from white to Navy Blue, and many more colors available in our bag catalog.

3DRUM Cloth Bags are not only a perfect complement to your style, but also a symbol of ecological commitment. Forget about conventional advertising bags and opt for our personalized bags. Whether for business gifts or promotional gifts, we offer designs that will cause impact and distinction. In addition, we offer Reusable Cotton Shopping Bags, Totebag, foldable bags with front pocket, and a varied range of woven bags.

Cloth Bags are the answer for those looking to replace plastic bags and want to do it in style. Whether you prefer plain bags or screen-printed bags, with long handles or short handles, you will find what you are looking for in our extensive catalog. In addition, we have screen-printed fabric, printed fabric, woven bags and many more options.

Remember, by choosing 3DRUM, you are not only purchasing a cloth bag, but you are also joining a community committed to diversity, originality and sustainability. Don't wait any longer, explore our online store and find the bag of the perfect size, color and design for you.

Cotton bags have revolutionized the way we think about design and sustainability. With a variety of colors ranging from natural to bright colors, each bag is a testament to the fusion of aesthetics and environmental responsibility. Choosing eco-friendly fabric reinforces our commitment to the planet, providing environmentally friendly options that don't compromise on style.

If what you are looking for is uniqueness, our range of personalized fabrics will surprise you. Each of these designs is crafted with precision, ensuring that every detail reflects the client's vision. Additionally, with the growing trend towards cotton bags with long handles, we have incorporated several models that combine functionality and style. These handles, also available in colored handles, offer comfort and a fashion statement in equal measure.

The use of organic cotton is a testament to our dedication to sustainability. And if we talk about customization, our personalized bags are unmatched. These are not simple bags; They are original pieces of fabric art. Regardless of the types of bags you choose, whether standard models or specific bag models such as the popular Tote Bag, you can be sure that you are getting a high-quality product with unique designs.

For small and medium-sized businesses looking to make a statement, our bags are the perfect promotional gift. Using advanced digital printing techniques, we transform the simple shopping bag into a powerful branding vehicle. Custom bags not only help these companies stand out, but also reinforce their commitment to sustainable practices and innovative design.

Whether you are looking for a bag for everyday use, a Tote Bag for special occasions or a branding solution for small and medium-sized businesses, our collection offers something for everyone, always maintaining a standard of excellence and sustainability.


Financiado por la Unión Europea Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resilencia